So Here We Are Again Acccept I Wasn t

RUSH: "Dr. Fauci Condemns Protesters Clamoring for End of Lockdown."

"Dr. Fauci Urges Caution About Relying on Coronavirus Antibody Tests." I predicted this. Folks, I was minding my ain business concern on Fri, and I got a flag e-mail from my friend Victor Davis Hanson, and information technology was a preliminary report on Stanford Academy'south research in Santa Clara County. It is bombshell. It was the prepublication. The file that he sent me was actually the preprint version, which is pre-peer review.

But here is the take-away paragraph from the research. It suggests that ane canton'southward cases, Santa Clara, California -- which, by the style, is where the 49ers are. For those of yous who know geographic by your sports teams, Santa Clara is where the 49ers stadium is, 49er training circuitous. They're non in San Francisco anymore. "One county'south cases could be more than double the entire country's reported cases by testing.

"Even a one% to four% existing positives to the virus in a population, completely overturn the case-to-fatality rates. In this instance, the figures work out to a mortality rate of 0.1%, not i%, non 2%, not 4%, not 5% -- 0.1% at the loftier, and the depression cease, 0.02%. That would be like a normal or bad influenza yr. I to two per thousand dying in the population. Remember, when we started, the models hither that everybody swore by which gave united states of america the lockdown policy were predicting four to one dying per hundred -- per hundred, not thousand.

So hither is the paragraph from the Stanford study. "These prevalence estimates stand for a range betwixt 48,000 and 81,000 people infected in Santa Clara County by early Apr, which is 50 to 85 times more than the number of confirmed cases. The population prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in Santa Clara Canton implies that the infectious is much more widespread than indicated past the number of confirmed cases.

"Population prevalence estimates can now be used to calibrate epidemic and bloodshed..." The bottom line is here is they constitute -- their research, Stanford University, found -- the number of cases, number of people who had infectious, the vast majority never knew it or their asymptomatic or they suffered, didn't go to the hospital, l to 85 times the reported cases. If this is true, information technology means the death charge per unit is way down, that the mortality rate for COVID-19 is and so low that information technology may fifty-fifty be lower than the flu every year.

At present nosotros have like results popping up in other geographic areas of the country. I think the total... I don't have it at my fingertips here. The full number of reported cases in Santa Clara Canton is in the thousands, and these people's research have found it 50 to 85 times that, based on testing, based on antibody testing and a number of other things they have done. Stanford University researchers.

Now, these guys have been on tv set through the weekend explaining their research, and this is what Dr. Fauci's replying to. "Dr. Fauci Urges Caution About Relying on Controversy Antibody Test." Permit me tell you something, folks. The antibody tests are gonna be much more helpful than the bodily test for the virus. Can you lot tell me why? This is a uncomplicated answer. Why is testing...?

Information technology sounds really good, merely it may stop up meaning nothing unless you do information technology a certain fashion? You'd accept to test everybody every day. Then we test Snerdley tomorrow. Snerdley comes back negative. He doesn't have the virus. Doesn't mean he'due south not gonna get information technology the next day or the next week. We hope he doesn't have it. The point is, you have to test every every day. The testing gives you a snapshot of the moment that you test, just information technology's not predictive. It doesn't tell you...

That's why the antibiotic test is March for reliable. So hither we accept competing research, inquiry that flies in the face up of the models, researches that flies in the confront of the existing policy of lockdown and social distancing and we're told we can't rely on it. When the models have however to be right. You might recollect weeks ago, I shared with you a story from the U.One thousand. by a researcher named Dr. John Lee, 50-e-e.

He was very, very, very, very concerned that a number of deaths that were non COVID-19 were being recorded as such in the United kingdom. The theory was that the death charge per unit from COVID-19 was existence manner elevated because there's a political need, there'due south a political benefit to chalking up as many deaths to COVID-19, 'cause it's money -- and of course, information technology advances a political agenda. You tin can't accept the politics out of this, which is frustrating too. Well, Mr. Lee predicted that the lockdown was not necessary.

He admitted he was guessing, admitted it was his opinion. It was more than than guessing, but based on the cognition the facts, the information he had at the time. This is three or four weeks ago. He thought this lockdown's not necessary. These Draconian steps non necessary. He'south back with a new piece. At that place'due south no direct testify that the lockdowns are working. And then three weeks ago, they weren't necessary.

Now, there's no evidence that they're even working. In addition to his slice, Dr. John Ioannidis -- part of the Stanford University squad -- has expanded on the idea that the contamination rate, the infectious rate may be 50 to 85 times higher in Santa Clara Canton. They don't know anywhere else, they haven't studied anywhere else, but yous tin can extrapolate. And, permit's see... "Swedish Epidemiologist John Giesecke: Why Lockdowns Are the Incorrect Policy."

And, Brian, quickly, I want to throw something. Saw this on from it briefing, and I had to get information technology 'cause this is and then... Put it upward, Brian, that chart. The Scarf Queen put this chart up on Friday. Let me tell you what this is. This is the cumulative cases of the top 25 metro areas, number of cases. That you encounter ane line... I'one thousand distressing if y'all're non watching on the Dittocam. Nosotros'll have this at

Yous'll be able to run into it. Go to the website. See that i line trending way up? That is New York. You lot come across all those lines bunched style downwardly at the bottom upwards through April 17th, up through Fri, that'southward the 24 other major metro areas. What does this tell yous? It tells you our problem has been in New York, only information technology hasn't been as equally bad anywhere else, not even close.

For one reason, they don't accept subways that are remained open with people sardined on 'em as they accept in New York. Simply that'due south stunning. The number of cases in the top 25 metro areas, New York stands alone, nobody... (interruption) No, I'm not being disquisitional of New York. I'yard suggesting that we have based a national policy on i metro.

Intermission TRANSCRIPT

RUSH: Now, to add to the Stanford study, John Lee: "No direct evidence that lockdowns are working," and the next one that I have here in the Stack, "Swedish Epidemiologist Johan Giesecke: Why Lockdowns Are the Wrong Policy," is this. And this comes from the Associated Printing. Headline: "Reports Suggest Many Have Had Coronavirus with No Symptoms."

The paragraph says, "A inundation of new inquiry suggests that far more people accept had the coronavirus without whatsoever symptoms, fueling promise that it will turn out to exist much less lethal than originally feared." That's what Stanford says. That'southward what John Lee says. That's what the Swedish guy says. More people are starting to say this, based on testing and the reputation of these models. Models are not science, folks.

Models are not science. You may likewise be using tarot cards, the way they revise these things. Now, here is the important quote from the AP article from Dr. Michael Mina, Harvard School of Public Wellness: "We accept just been off the mark by huge, huge numbers estimating total infections." Now, yous have to look difficult to find this stuff 'crusade cable news is not using whatsoever of this, folks.


Blitz: Permit me put some numbers to Santa Clara to put this in perspective for you. Again, the Stanford research says that the number of infections, the number of people who've been infected with coronavirus is l to 85 times higher than reported. The number of confirmed cases reported in Santa Clara County and existence cited past all of the experts, 956. So let's round that upwardly to a thou.

Past the way, the population of Santa Clara Canton is 116,468. And of that, the official number is that 956 confirmed cases -- gonna round that upwards to a thousand. Meaning that, according to Stanford, between 50,000 and 85,000 or, potentially, well over one-half the county has been infected. The death rate doesn't change. The death rate is what it is. And then the death rate in Santa Clara Canton, as a percent of, you know, 968 as a pct of the number of cases reported, 956 confirmed cases. So if that 956 becomes 50,000 to 85,000, the death rate in Santa Clara County is infinitesimally modest.

The death rate doesn't modify, simply if you apply their research and you extrapolate i,000 cases becomes 50,000 to 85,000 cases, but the decease charge per unit remains the same, it means that the mortality rate, the fatality rate is way, fashion smaller than what'southward beingness reported and cited by all of the experts. The number of infected, again, could be anywhere from l to 85,000. The deaths -- don't have the numbers in front end of me here on the number of deaths, but whatever it is, you divide that number into 85,000 or 50,000 instead of 1,000? Ha. And you're gonna take a huge deviation.

And these numbers are not alone. They're beingness reported in Massachusetts. They're being reported in other parts of the country. Again, this AP story: "A flood of new research suggests that far more people have had the coronavirus without any symptoms, fueling hope that it volition turn out to be much less lethal than originally feared." And there's a quote from a Harvard professor, School of Public Health, Dr. Michael Mina, "We have just been off the mark past huge, huge numbers" estimating total infections.

Well, let me tell yous something. We now have some competing numbers. We have the experts that are on the White Business firm Coronavirus Task Strength, and they're not gonna budge from their numbers. They're the experts. Now yous have this independent inquiry from people who don't believe this who are doing their own research.

Folks, I'm gonna tell you, I told you when I starting time got back hither after beingness out for two weeks that the first thing when I was doing a discussion of the models, the big argue whenever this is over is was it necessary? And the more information that we gather, it is first to look similar it was not necessary to shut down this economy.

And, furthermore, that information technology is certainly not necessary to keep it shut downward. But these Democrat governors are hell-aptitude on keeping it shut downward. I'll guarantee you they're on orders from on high. This is office of the presidential campaign, for this economic system to become as weak as they can get in, for more and more people to lose their jobs, that'south how they think they're finally gonna get Trump. This is their attempt to practice what Mueller failed to do, what Adam Schiff failed to do, what the Kavanaugh attacks failed to do, what Stormy Daniels failed to exercise and what Michael Avenatti failed to practise. They're salivating over this.

Some details hither. John Lee, who first wrote a calendar month ago that he was highly suspicious that a lockdown was necessary because he didn't like the way every decease in the U.K. was existence chalked up to COVID-19. The number of deaths here that are being chalked up to COVID-19 are manner elevated, didn't even take an authentic number there. So now he'due south back a calendar month later: No directly testify lockdowns are working.

Let me give y'all a couple pull quotes from his piece. "For example, we are currently in lockdown for two reasons. Ane is that the initial figures suggested that we were dealing with a very highly virulent disease. The World Health Arrangement initially suggested that the example-fatality rate - the proportion of people diagnosed with the disease who dice - would exist 3.4 per cent.

"This is a very high number which would have caused a huge number of deaths. But every bit we accept had gradually more than and more data coming in, those percentages accept been falling. In many examples, more than complete data are now suggesting case-fatality rates of 0.4 per cent. My guess is that it volition end up between 0.five and 0.1 per cent, and probably nearer to the lower cease of that. So if the illness isn't every bit virulent equally was originally thought, the number of deaths will be correspondingly lower."

And again, this is exactly what'south been learned and discovered in Santa Clara County, California. "The second reason that we were and then put into lockdown is that information technology was assumed that this new virus was going to rip through the population, and a very high percentage of people were going to be infected quickly. This would cause a big surge or tiptop of cases which healthcare systems wouldn't exist able to bargain with. The lockdown is supposed to reduce that tiptop, to enable health systems to cope with it. Nosotros had various pictures from Italy, Espana, New York and other places showing that health systems weren't able to cope. Merely of grade, in lots of other places, wellness systems have been able to cope with it."

And in many other places they haven't even been taxed. "The real point is that in that location isn't any direct evidence that what we are doing is actually affecting the tiptop. It is possible to make arguments that sound reasonable that a lockdown should affect the summit. And yet other places which are doing dissimilar things seem to have similarly shaped graphs. It is only an assumption that the lockdown is having a big consequence on the virus spread, just this is not a known scientific fact."

Don't tell Dr. Fauci that. This is quite a statement. It is merely an supposition that the lockdown, that flattening the curve, that social distancing is having a large result on the virus spread. It's not a known scientific fact. Y'all know why information technology's not a known scientific fact? 'Cause we don't know how many people are actually practicing social distancing.

Nosotros're non in everybody's homes. Although give the Democrats fourth dimension and they'll have drones over everybody's house reporting in. They're already doing it in New Jersey. Expect 'til y'all hear this story coming up. And they're Chinese-made drones, and the information collected by these drones is going back to Cathay, and New Bailiwick of jersey is bragging about it.


RUSH: So they're out in that location, the experts are proverb that social distancing, "Keep doing it, America, oh, the American people are doing so wonderful, yous're flattening the curve." They haven't the slightest idea if you're paying attention, if you're behaving, they have no idea.

That's why Dr. Lee hither says it's incommunicable to scientifically claim that people'southward behavior -- that the lockdown -- is having a large effect on the virus spread. Information technology's not a known scientific fact considering they can't prove who'due south post-obit orders. One more pull quote from Dr. John Lee in the U.K. He says, "he very fact that the lockdown was put in place, despite the huge fix of side effects, means that the government has to justify having done it. In a way, that actually makes information technology harder to come out of a lockdown."

Damn straight! In that location's no way they're gonna admit that this was not necessary. There is no way they're gonna admit that this was unneeded. At that place's no way they're always gonna acknowledge that it shouldn't have been done, which ways they're gonna leave it in place longer than they should just to give themselves some kind of PR buzz that they've washed the right affair.

Folks, this is such a mess. It was so... I'one thousand in the crowd (and it'southward a growing number of people) who don't believe that the severity of this lockdown was necessary. Nationwide, everywhere, it just wasn't necessary, and it just pains me. It just information technology depresses me, it pains me to run across how easily and rapidly we just erased -- we just eliminated -- 3 years of unprecedented economic growth in this land.


Rush: One more than quote here from Dr. John Lee: "I recall personally that nosotros should aim to relax the lockdown faster than some commentators are suggesting. The government'southward reticence to talk about this is based on modelling assumptions of numbers which nosotros know are fraught with uncertainty. It is equally possible to make a example that relaxing the lockdown more than quickly than is currently being suggested will take beneficial effects overall, even if the number of viral deaths ticks up again."

Anyway, I'll tell you lot something else that is gonna be learned when this is all over. We have based national policy not on New York state, but New York Metropolis. Nosotros have close downwardly a land based largely on the numbers in New York Urban center. Let me take hold of a telephone call rapidly before the hr expires so I tin can remain true to my pledge to always get a phone telephone call in in the first hr during the coronavirus pandemic. It's a new policy hither.

This is Don in Oklahoma Urban center. Don, great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: How-do-you-do, Rush. My wife and I desire to wish you a speedy and total recovery in your health crunch.

RUSH: Well, thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: This is information that anybody can observe using at website and These are just numbers for influenza deaths and COVID-19 deaths, and a argument on hither, a quote -- this is for the U.Due south. as a whole, this was a quote from CDC -- is, "The number of hospitalizations estimated so far this flavor is lower than end-of-flavor total hospitalizations estimates for any season since CDC began making these estimates."

So Oklahoma -- based on the site -- averages 728 flu deaths per twelvemonth and using the site it says nosotros've had -- this is as of last Friday -- 84 flu deaths for the season. That dates back to September 1st of '19 plus 138 COVID-xix deaths. That'southward a total of 222 versus the 728 average. So if yous're talking nearly death rates, you know, we already know that Dr. Birx said that they are including anybody that had COVID. New York is including anybody that they think may take had it.

So those numbers accept gotta be really loftier. My only point is we've had a government shutdown with a death rate that is far less than normal -- and that'due south normally expected and they accept those death rates. So instead of looking at the media and the Democrats, await at hard numbers and existent facts on the regime websites. We've been told to get fresh air, sunshine, and do while observing social distancing. Only in Oklahoma City, the golf course are shut down.

RUSH: Oh, they're shut down.

CALLER: That's all I've got. I thank you, Rush. Wish you the best.

Rush: I'm glad you called. Yeah, remember when the flu numbers were widely reported -- which they're usually not. Yous know, as a society, we just accept that whatever number of people go ill, they become the flu, any number die, we don't close the land down, but the numbers are not widely reported. When they were widely reported this yr to contrast them with coronavirus, what we, "Ah, (sputtering) but just but but just you lot tin can't compare that!"

"Why not?"

"Well, they're ii unlike things. I hateful, we don't have a vaccine. We don't take shots for the coronavirus. Nosotros do for the flu. You tin't -- you can't compare."

And then anybody that came upwards with flu number comparisons was shot down as being unreasonable and uninformed, unhelpful and not useful -- yous know, all the liberal intellectual buzzwords. But it turns out that they are relevant in more ways than only the contrast. At any rate, it'south gonna be fascinating to see if this remains data sequestered in conservative media or if it crosses over -- and what do y'all bet that it doesn't cantankerous over?


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