Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle 2016

Cattle Value Discovery System


nutrient requirements of beef cattle logo The 8th revised edition of theNutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle was released on May 16, 2022 after 39 months in the making. A great deal of new research has been published during the past 20 years and there was a large amount of new information for many nutrients that needed to be documented and evaluated. New chapters were added to this revision, including US beef cattle production; anatomy, digestion, and nutrient utilization; carbohydrates; lipids; and environment. Since 1944, the National Research Council (NRC) has published seven editions of theNutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle as listed below. This revision builds on previous editions and provides the latest cutting-edge scientific knowledge of beef cattle nutrition.

Revision History (Tedeschi et al., 2015):

  • In 1945, the National Research Council (NRC) released the "Recommended Nutrient Allowances for Beef Cattle" (NRC, 1945), in which the requirements for protein were based on the factorial concepts previously delineated by Mitchell (1929).
  • The first revision of the beef NRC publication was released in 1950. In addition to the 1945 Beef NRC, the "Recommended Nutrient Allowances for Dairy Cattle" was also released in 1945.
  • The beef NRC had the second revision released in 1958 (NRC, 1958).
  • The third revision in 1963 (NRC, 1963).
  • The fourth revision in 1970 (NRC, 1970). The NRC (1970) included a new section on "Nutrient needs of rumen microorganisms".
  • The fifth revision was released in 1976 (NRC, 1976).
  • The sixth revision was released in 1984 (NRC, 1984). The NRC (1984) had major changes in the energy requirements section and included the concepts of ruminal protein degradation and bypass.
  • The seventh revision of the beef NRC was released in 1996 (NRC, 1996) and updated in 2000 (NRC, 2000). These versions of the beef NRC included more complex and mechanistic nutritional models.
  • The eighth revision of the beef NRC was released in 2022 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Click here to start a tutorial on how to use the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirement Model (BCNRM, 2016).

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BCNRM2016 logo

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Microsoft Excel 2007
or later versions

The "Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Model 2016.EXE" is a stand-alone software that will install the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Model (BCNRM) on Windows-based computers. The BCNRM requires Microsoft Excel 2007 or later versions to be executed. The user must have administrative privileges to install the BCNRM. A computer with the following configuration is suggested for satisfactory performance: 2 GHz Intel Core Due (or similar) with at least 2 Gb of RAM. A CD/DVD-ROM for installation from CD media, an IBM-PC compatible printer to print reports, and an internet connection for updating and registration.

From the BCNRM User's Guide: "The BCNRM of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, 8th Revised Edition, was developed using the Microsoft® Excel® 2022 (version 16) electronic spreadsheet of the Microsoft Office 2022 to demonstrate the use of the empirical (ELS) and mechanistic (MLS) levels of solution in the calculations of the dietary supply and requirements of beef cattle for energy and nutrients, which are discussed in detail in Chapter 19 (Model Equations and Sensitivity Analyses). A basic understanding of the operations of the Microsoft® Excel® is necessary to execute the computer software. Similarly, an understanding of ruminant nutrition and knowledge of the underlying biological concepts presented in this report are essential for use and interpretation of the model's results. Because of the many variables involved and judgments that must be made in choosing inputs and interpreting outputs, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine make no claim for the accuracy of this software and the user is solely responsible for risk of use."

The current version of the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Model is


Previous versions can be downloaded from here.

Please note that this version is experimental and might be different from the release version. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine contains the release version.

Changes to the BCNRM software are listed in this text file. The official errata to the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle publication can be found in its website. See Support below.

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No registration is needed.

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beef cattle nutrient requirements committee
Back row, from left to right: Drs. Noel Andy Cole, Clinton R. Krehbiel, Ronald P. Lemenager, and Galen E. Erickson. Front row, from left to right: Drs. Joel Caton, Karen A. Beauchemin, Michael L. Galyean, Joan H. Eisemann, and Luis O. Tedeschi

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January 2021. Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time error '1004' when attempting to open the BCNRM program in Excel. Excel will ask if the Macros should be allowed to run.  Allow the macros to run. Only enable macros from trusted sources. Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Start Microsoft Excel
  2. On the Menu Bar select "File" > "[Excel] Options" > "Trust Center" > "Trust Center Settings..." > "Macro Settings"
  3. In the top section, select the radio button for "Disable all macros with notification"
  4. In the bottom section, check the box for "Trust access to VBA project object model"
  5. Click "OK" and "OK" to save the settings
  6. Close Excel

January 2019. The second errata of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle publication was issued. The official errata to the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle publication can be found in its website.

November 19, 2017. The original "Batch.xlsx" had a missing model input in row 54 (Recycled ruminal N) that would cause incorrect calculations. The correct "Batch.xlsx" file can be downloaded from here.

October 2016. The first errata of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle publication was issued. The official errata to the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle publication can be found in its website.

The latest revised BCNRM 2022 feed library (Beef STD 2016.FLF) can be downloaded here. Unzip the file and copy the "Beef STD 2016.FLF" file to the folder "C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\National Academies\BCNRM2016".

The Front Matter, Summary, User's Guide of the Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Model 2022 can be downloaded from here.

Five webinars are available at the ASAS webpage:

  1. Dr. Galyean: An overview of the revised publication
  2. Drs. Caton, Krehbiel, Lemenager: Cattle maintenance, growth, and reproduction
  3. Dr. Caton and Eisemann: Protein, vitamins, and minerals
  4. Dr. Tedeschi: Development and evaluation of the mathematical model
  5. Drs. Cole, Beauchemin, and Erickson: Environmental issues, byproducts, and feed composition

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  • National Animal Nutrition Program, National Research Support Project (NRSP-9) web site.

  • 8th Revised Edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle web page.

  • 7th Revised Edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle web page.

  • 2007 Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants web page.

  • ASAS webinar on the 8th Revised Edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle.

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